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cemetery: Powązki, Warszawa
photography: Jacek Michiej
Publish an obituary, condolences or memories
For registered and logged Users of our Website, there is a free Service of publication and distribution of obituaries, condolences and memories.
Z głębokim smutkiem i żalem zawiadamiamy,
że w dniu 2 grudnia 2018 roku odeszła
nasza najukochańsza Mama, Babcia i Przyjaciółka
nekrolog, wspomnienie, kondolencje
Maria Kowalska
Pożegnanie Zmarłej odbędzie się
7 grudnia 2018 roku o godzinie 11.00
w kaplicy św. Marka ul. Powązkowska 14.
Msza święta żałobna odprawiona zostanie
w piątek 7 grudnia 2018 roku o godzinie 12.30
w kościele św. Karola Boromeusza na Starych Powązkach,
po czym nastąpi odprowadzenie do grobu na cmentarz miejscowy.
Pogrążeni w żałobie
córka, wnuki, rodzina i przyjaciele
Organizatorem uroczystości pogrzebowej
jest Dom Pogrzebowy "Służew"
Kochanej Przyjaciółce,
Marii Kowalskiej i Jej Bliskim
składamy wyrazy współczucia
z powodu śmierci
Dorota, Darek, i Bogdan z rodzinami
nekrolog, wspomnienie, kondolencje
Tato mój kochany !
W rocznicę Twoich Urodzin pragnę Ci przekazać, że dla mnie żyjesz nadal, że im jestem starszy, tym częściej łapię się na bezgłośnej rozmowie z Tobą.
Tak bardzo za Tobą Tęsknię.
Zostaje nas coraz mniej na tej ziemi, ale Ty Tato będziesz jednak żył tak długo jak długo mnie pisane jest życie, bo pamiętam o Tobie i to się liczy przede wszystkim !
Kocham Cię i zawsze Cię kochałem jak coś nieosiągalnego, bo odszedłeś jak miałem dopiero dwa lata. Modlę się za Ciebie i śpij spokojnie w tej pięknej scenerii wypełnionej powagą. Ja tu jeszcze trochę pozostanę, a potem znowu się spotkamy !
Mojemu Tacie Janowi Kowalskiemu
kochający syn Karol
nekrolog, wspomnienie, kondolencje

Each of these publications has its own distinct application and targeted message. For the editing of all these messages, we provide dedicated templates that will surely provide support during the editing of these extremely serious and personal content.

Depending on which form of the message you choose, there will be five templates available at your disposal with the form and example content prepared. To edit your personal message, select one of the templates and use it to enter your own content, and if you consider it necessary, also modify the form.

The system requires that the edited message be signed with the first name and surname of the reporting person, had a specific date of publication, which may not be from the past and the name of the deceased person in the case of obituaries and memories, and in the case of condolences the name and surname of the person whose condolences we would like to submit.

Working with a template requires following the rules. The content of the publication is written in Polish, using standard Polish characters. Moving to a new line is performed using the ENTER key. You can enter a free space between lines of text by entering empty lines with the ENTER key. Decorative icons can be added to the content of the publication. Nine ornamental icons are available for use. To insert a decorative icon, enter the IMG string at the beginning of the new line followed by the icon number. For example, by typing IMG5, the icon number 5 will be entered into the content of the publication. You can also change the font (font appearance) for each line of the publication being edited. To change the font for a given line, enter the FONT string at the beginning of the line, followed by three characters that specify the font type, font size and font style, respectively. There are three types of fonts that are labeled 1, 2 and 3. These are Times, Verdana and Raleway respectively. There are three sizes of fonts, designated M, S and D, which specify small, medium and large font respectively. There are four font styles available, marked with the letters N, I, B, A, which define the normal, italic, bold and bold cursors, respectively. For example, if you enter the FONT1MB character string at the beginning of the line, the line will be displayed in bold medium-sized Times. The FONT marker works until the end of the line ended with the ENTER key. If the font marker is not entered, the default font FONT1MN will be used.

The above description and available equipment are intended for independent work on editing the message. However, if you need support in this process, do not hesitate to contact our consultant via chat or helpline.

The system makes it possible to send out an obituary, condolence or memory to a list of people specified by the User. This is an optional feature. Emails are sent to the address list provided by you when the list is published. Emails are sent by the website on behalf of the user submitting the publication and signed by his name and surname. Enter the distribution list of email addresses in the Email list field. Place each e-mail address on a separate line, which should be ended with the ENTER key. If you want the email to be sent to the recipient in a language other than Polish, enter that email directly after the email address, separating it from the address with a comma. The language code consists of two letters. The available language codes are cs, de, en, fr, hu, it, ru, sk, uk, respectively for Czech, German, English, French, Hungarian, Italian, Russian, Slovak and Ukrainian. For example, if you want to send email in French, please enter aaa @, fr

You can save the finished or postponed work on editing the message using the Save button on the bottom of the page. After saving, the message gets the status Editable and can be returned to it at any time to read, change, withdraw or submit it for publication. Submission for publication launches the verification procedure of the prepared message, by the Website consultant. The website, in order to preserve the seriousness and respect for the deceased, reserves the right to verify the content of the messages, make minor editorial corrections and reject the message if it does not meet high ethical standards. The message may return to the author with a comment about the suggested changes or with information that the Website may not accept it or be submitted for publication on the Website and for the distribution process in accordance with the email addresses provided by the author. Since then, the message has been presented for an unlimited period in the Obituaries, condolences and memories section. The contents of this section can be viewed according to various available criteria.

The service operator is
Erkwadrat sp. z o.o.
ul. Letnia 16
05-510 Chyliczki
+48 (22) 350 75 61
Transaction settlements
by payment card and e-transfer
are carried out through