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cemetery: Powązki, Warszawa
photography: Jacek Michiej

Choose the cemetery where the burial will take place
Search for the cemetery
Enter the name of the city or the name of the cemetery

Flowers for the funeral

Learn more about the service by selecting the link below. Search for the cemetery in the window at the top of the page to check the availability of the service in this cemetery. Here you can find a map of the availability of services in the country. The available range of flower offers can be found below. The available types and categories may depend on the season and may vary on individual cemeteries.
anthurium (14)
kwiaty na grób osoby bliskiej, kwiaty na pogrzeb
Carnation (14)
kwiaty na grób osoby bliskiej, kwiaty na pogrzeb
Lily (18)
kwiaty na grób osoby bliskiej, kwiaty na pogrzeb
Rose (20)
kwiaty na grób osoby bliskiej, kwiaty na pogrzeb
Orchid (24)
kwiaty na grób osoby bliskiej, kwiaty na pogrzeb
White (26)
kwiaty na grób osoby bliskiej, kwiaty na pogrzeb
Red (18)
kwiaty na grób osoby bliskiej, kwiaty na pogrzeb
Violet (3)
kwiaty na grób osoby bliskiej, kwiaty na pogrzeb
Creamy (6)
kwiaty na grób osoby bliskiej, kwiaty na pogrzeb
Blue (2)
kwiaty na grób osoby bliskiej, kwiaty na pogrzeb
Pamarańczowy (6)
kwiaty na grób osoby bliskiej, kwiaty na pogrzeb
Pink (22)
kwiaty na grób osoby bliskiej, kwiaty na pogrzeb
Yellow (7)
kwiaty na grób osoby bliskiej, kwiaty na pogrzeb

Check how our services work

A grave on the grave

Light a candle on the grave in which the person who is close to you is buried

A grave on the grave
Picture of the grave

Take a picture of the grave in which the person who is close to you is buried

Picture of the grave
Cleaning the grave

Order cleaning the grave in which the person who is close to you is buried

Cleaning the grave
Flowers on the grave

Order flowers on the grave in which the person who is close to you is buried

Flowers on the grave
Flowers for the funeral

Order flowers for the funeral ceremony of a loved one

Flowers for the funeral
The status of the tomb payment

Check the payment status for the grave where the person near you is buried

The status of the tomb payment
Fee for the grave

Make a payment for the grave in which the person is buried

Fee for the grave
White Rose

Put a white rose in the temple - the resting place of the famous person

White Rose
Znicz on the grave of Sławny

Light a candle on the grave of a famous person

Znicz on the grave of Sławny
Virtual Wern Glitch

Light a virtual candle on the grave of a famous person

Virtual Wern Glitch
Virtual turntable in the cemetery

Light the virtual candle at the selected cemetery

Virtual turntable in the cemetery
Obituary, memory, condolences

Publish an obituary, memory or condolences

Obituary, memory, condolences

Availability of services
We are constantly expanding the scope of our activity.
The map below shows the areas of the country where our services are currently available.
the area where services are available
area where services are not available

The service operator is
Erkwadrat sp. z o.o.
ul. Letnia 16
05-510 Chyliczki
+48 (22) 350 75 61
Transaction settlements
by payment card and e-transfer
are carried out through